5 Signs of an Unhealthy Sex Life Denver, CO

Posted: September 16, 2021

How healthy is your sex life? What does a healthy sex life look like? These are excellent questions! Without further ado, let’s break it down:

Five signs of a healthy sex life:

  • You are generally satisfied with your sex life.
  • You are capable of experiencing pleasure during sex.
  • You are free from discomfort during intercourse.
  • You have a sex drive, though it varies in intensity depending on life circumstances or health.
  • You look forward to sex.

Five signs of an unhealthy sex life:

  • You are generally dissatisfied with your sex life.
  • You have difficulty feeling sensation during sex or reaching orgasm.
  • You experience pain during sex.
  • Your libido is nonexistent; you never feel like having sex.
  • You dread sex with your partner.

It’s worth noting that the word “unhealthy” may imply judgment. We want you to know that when we make lists like the ones above, they are intended as conversation starters and not to diagnose you. We want to stress that you are in a judgment-free zone at Aguirre Specialty Care. Our team understands that sexual health is a relative term, and that what may be “healthy” for one person may not be for another.

During your visit with us, we will work with you to determine what’s holding you back from experiencing your best sex life, and we will tailor your treatments to your exact needs. Some effective treatments for enhancing your sexual health and pleasure include:

  •  The O-Shot®, which uses a concentrated portion of your very own blood to enhance sexual sensation, boost blood flow and improve urinary incontinence.
  • FemiLift™ laser vaginal resurfacing, which resurfaces the entire circumference of the vaginal wall to boost cellular rejuvenation, blood flow, lubrication and tightness of the vagina.
  • LEO® (laser-enhanced O-Shot), which combines The O-Shot with FemiLift laser resurfacing for a synergistic boost of benefits.
  • Viveve™, a non-invasive radiofrequency (RF) treatment for tightening the vaginal entrance and enhancing sexual sensation.
  • Labiaplasty, which alters the appearance of labial skin to the desired shape and size.
  • Vaginoplasty, a one-hour procedure that restores and reconstructs the damaged muscles and tissues of the vagina and its supporting structures to a more youthful, pre-childbirth state.

Keep in mind that our lists are not exhaustive. Our blogs are intended as a starting point, to get you thinking about your concerns. Our goal is to help you feel as comfortable as possible about talking to us and finding the solutions that are right for you!

Are you ready to find solutions and live more freely and happily? We can’t wait to help you do just that! To learn more about sexual health solutions at Aguirre Specialty Care, please call 303-322-0500 or request a consultation today.