A Pop Quiz on Vaginal Rejuvenation Denver, CO

Posted: April 12, 2018

Learn more about vaginal rejuvenation at Aguirre Specialty Care.Do you consider the following inappropriate or too personal to share with your doctor during a wellness exam?

•A stretched out vagina
•Large, uncomfortable labia
•Diminished or non-existent libido
•Insecurity about your vaginal appearance
•Difficulty achieving orgasm

If you answered “Yes” to any of these common, highly treatable conditions, it’s time to rethink your idea of wellness!

April is Women’s Health Care Month, an ideal time for taking stock and exploring all the concerns you’ve been putting on the backburner. For most women, this means looking at your sexual wellness and satisfaction. We know you’re diligent about scheduling your annual pelvic exam and pap smear, but are you neglecting other vital aspects of your intimate wellness?

Aguirre Specialty Care is here to help you achieve total body wellness and satisfaction by offering a holistic approach to your health, from your hormones to your self-image. Founded by Dr. Oscar A. Aguirre, one of the premier urogynecologic surgeons in the nation, Aguirre Specialty Care truly is just that—specialized care, providing the highest level of skill to treat every possible concern, from vaginal looseness to postpartum tummy fat. Our extensive selection of treatments includes non-surgical vaginal rejuvenation with Geneveve™ or FemiLift™, CoolSculpting® non-invasive fat reduction, Pellevé® skin tightening, the O-Shot®, and much more.

Dr. Aguirre offers such an extensive selection of non-surgical options because they provide significant, long-lasting results with greater comfort and less downtime. To learn more about our treatments, call 303.322.0500 or click here to schedule your personal consultation today!