Are You Suffering from Pelvic Prolapse? Denver, CO

Posted: October 22, 2020

Are you experiencing pain or pressure in your lower back or pelvis? Do you have painful sex, bladder leakage or urgency, or frequent constipation? You could be suffering from pelvic prolapse, a surprisingly common condition affecting the pelvic organs. Here’s a closer look at what pelvic prolapse is, along with possible solutions.

Woman hold her stomach

When your body is functioning normally, your pelvic organs are held in place by a group of muscles and tissues called the pelvic floor. If your pelvic floor weakens, however, which can happen after childbirth or another trauma, your pelvic organs may start to droop down, bulging out of the vagina.

Many women have no idea they are suffering from pelvic prolapse, though they may be experiencing painful symptoms, including pain or pressure in the pelvis and/or lower back, painful sex, urinary issues (bladder leakage or feeling the constant urge to urinate) and constipation.

If you suspect you may be suffering from pelvic prolapse, your first step is scheduling a consultation with us. Fellowship-trained urogynecologist Dr. Oscar A. Aguirre offers decades of experience and training to accurately diagnose and treat you. You could suspect pelvic prolapse when you come to us, but after careful analysis, we could determine that you are suffering from something else entirely, or a combination of conditions. No matter what, it’s important to remember that you don’t need to suffer in silence any longer. Your symptoms deserve attention, and we can help you find the right course of treatment for your exact needs!

A few fascinating facts about pelvic prolapse:

Did you know that there are four different kinds of pelvic prolapse, depending on the organ that’s affected?

● Cystocele, affecting the bladder, is the most common form. If you are experiencing cystocele prolapse, your bladder is protruding into your vagina, causing a bulge.

● Rectocele prolapse occurs when the rectum bulges into the back wall of the vagina.

● Uterine prolapse occurs when the uterus drops into the vagina.

● Apical or Vault prolapse occurs when the top of the vagina falls. This typically occurs years after a hysterectomy where perhaps the vaginal apex wasn’t properly secured.

Did you also know that possible prolapse treatments run the gamut? Depending on the cause and severity of your prolapse, we offer several effective options, ranging from a vaginal pessary to surgery.

Last, but certainly not least: Help is a phone call away! Call us for a consultation at 303.322.0500 today! You can also fill out our online form.