26 yo female, mother of one, from Greeley, Colorado self-referred to Urogynecologist and cosmetic surgeon, Dr. Oscar Aguirre after an internet search for Vaginoplasty. She has a long history of decreased vaginal sensation which worsened following her one vaginal delivery. She is also bothered by the aesthetic appearance of her vagina, stating that she feels it is very open. She is also unhappy with the length and color of her labia minora. After Dr. Aguirre discussed surgical and nonsurgical options, she and her husband both agreed that surgery would give the best outcome. Dr. Aguirre performed, in an out-patient surgical center, Vaginoplasty, Perineoplasty, Labiaplasty of the Labia Minora and Clitoral Hood Reduction with Clitoropexy. She returned to the office happy with the excellent function and aesthetic results and wanting to move forward with Liposuction in the near future.