29 yo mother of two from Evans, Colorado located the office of Dr. Oscar Aguirre, a nationally renowned Urogynecologist and master cosmetic surgeon in Englewood, Colorado, through an internet search on Vaginoplasty and Labiaplasty. She has a four year history of vaginal looseness and presents complaining of decreased vaginal sensation and being unhappy with the appearance of her vagina. She feels that her vulva looks odd, gaping and that there are large, dark labia. She has also had difficulties with achieving orgasm. She also had breast and body concerns so decided to proceed with completion of her Real Mommy Makeover having previously had Liposculpture of her abdomen and flanks and then Breast Augmentation Mammoplasty performed by Dr. Denis Gonyon, a plastic surgeon in Johnstown, Colorado followed one week later by vaginal rejuvenation. Dr. Aguirre performed an in-office surgical setting, Laser Reduction Labiaplasty of Labia Minora, Clitoral Hood Reduction, Clitoropexy with PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma), Excision of Excess Perineal Skin and FemiLift LVT (Laser Vaginal Tightening). She returned to the office for her regularly scheduled post-op appointments and to complete the series of three LVT treatments, very pleased with her results.