Exploring Bladder Control Solutions at Aguirre Specialty Care Denver, CO

Posted: November 2, 2023

Losing any type of control can weigh you down, but losing bladder control can be almost debilitating. Thankfully, in your desperate search for a solution, you’ve arrived at Aguirre Specialty Care. We pride ourselves on offering the most advanced, state-of-the-art surgical and non-surgical technologies and techniques for women’s intimate needs, and that includes bladder function.

Let us help you break free from frequent bathroom trips, accidents and every uncomfortable moment in between with our proven bladder control solutions:

FemiLift™ non-surgical laser vaginal tightening gently resurfaces the entire circumference of the vaginal wall to help tighten the vagina, strengthen the supporting ligaments surrounding the bladder and urethra and thus, improve stress urinary incontinence — the involuntary loss of urine while laughing, coughing, sneezing or exercising.

The O-Shot® uses platelet-rich plasma (PRP) to add volume to the clitoris and the anterior vaginal wall, which in turn increases vaginal sensation and sensitivity while also treating bothersome pelvic pain and urinary symptoms like urinary incontinence.

Transurethral Injection with Bulkamid is a minimally invasive and long-lasting treatment option for bladder leaks which adds volume to support the closing mechanism of the urethra and provide better urine control when coughing, laughing, exercising or shifting position.

Percutaneous Tibial Neuromodulation (PTNS) is an FDA-approved overactive bladder treatment which uses a slim needle to stimulate the tibial nerve in the ankle and help improve urinary urgency, urinary frequency and urgency incontinence.

Mid-urethral Sling is a very small ribbon of mesh which is placed in a strap-like fashion underneath the urethra to prevent it from dropping during physical activity and causing bladder leaks from exertion.

InterStim® Therapy is a safe, FDA-approved and minimally invasive treatment which uses gentle sacral nerve stimulation to correct the bladder-brain communication pathway and restore bladder function, resulting in fewer trips to the bathroom, fewer accidents and a regained sense of confidence.

Axonics® System is a small neurostimulator implant that can be repeatedly recharged and controlled by patients for at least 15 years which performs sacral neuromodulation therapy to help regain bladder control.

As you’ve just learned, there’s a lot that can be done to treat your bladder control issues. All you have to do is call 303-322-0500 or request a consultation online to learn which is right for you!