FemiLift™ in Denver, CO: Non-Surgical, No Downtime Vaginal Tightening in Denver, CO

Posted: October 24, 2014

An overload of creams and lotions has hit the marketplace claiming to provide the same results as vaginal tightening. But neither cream nor lotion can deliver the kind of results vaginal tightening surgery can—except the new, non-surgical FemiLift™ vaginal tightening from Aguirre Specialty Care in Denver, CO! FemiLift allows women to salvage their sex life by tightening the vagina non-surgically and with no downtime. In addition, it can alleviate the symptoms associated with stress urinary incontinence.

Kegel exercise and vaginal surgery can be a thing of the past with FemiLift from Aguirre Specialty Care. Vaginal looseness, decreased sensation with sex and urinary incontinence can all be helped with this treatment. FemiLift helps restore a youthful vagina, promotes collagen production and remodeling with the use of a unique FDA-approved laser.

FemilLift works by comfortably delivering laser energy to the full circumference of the vagina safely and effectively. The specialized laser probe is inserted into the vagina and the laser energy penetrates the vaginal epithelium. The treatment, both comfortable and noninvasive, tightens the vagina while strengthening the supporting ligaments surrounding the bladder and the urethra.

FemiLift has additional benefits such as increased sexual gratification for both partners and reduction in urinary incontinence symptoms. It is recommended to receive three treatments for optimal, long lasting results.

FemiLift is safe for most women and recommended for women who recently have given birth. Furthermore, FemiLift can be combined with other treatments and with other Intimate Makeover ™ options from Aguirre Specialty Care in Denver, CO.

Find out more about the benefits from laser vaginal tightening at Aguirre Specialty Care and schedule your consultation today! Call 303.322.0500