A Lesson in Labiaplasty What’s Trending in Denver, CO

Posted: July 13, 2017

Labiaplasty refers to a surgical procedure that reduces excess skin of the inner or outer labia. We are thrilled that labiaplasty continues to be one of the fastest-growing surgeries, with 23 percent more procedures performed in 2016 than 2015. Women are becoming more comfortable sharing their intimate concerns and seeking treatment, which is great news considering that Aguirre Specialty Care has more options than ever for helping women feel their best! With so many options, however, it can get a bit confusing. As a doctor who has dedicated his life to helping women achieve uro-gynecological wellness, we often get asked about labiaplasty and how it compares to Pellevé®, a non-surgical treatment for labia tightening.

To help you stay informed, here are a few highlights of these two popular services:

•Labiaplasty refers to a surgical procedure that reduces excess skin of the inner or outer labia. We perform Designer Laser Vaginoplasty® (DLV®), which uses laser energy to shape and reduce the inner or outer labia. Surgery is an ideal option for women who experience physical discomfort from large labia, such as chafing from tight-fitting pants or exercise clothes. Women may also feel self-conscious about their appearance, which can hinder sexual satisfaction and confidence. While surgery requires some downtime, it offers long-lasting improvement.

•Pellevé labia tightening is an ideal treatment for women seeking to tighten the skin of the outer labia without surgery or downtime. Pellevé uses radiofrequency energy to stimulate collagen production and gradually tighten the skin. Pellevé offers tightening benefits up to six months. Continued treatment is needed to maintain your results.

Aside from the labia, women also seek treatment for internal vaginal concerns such as vaginal looseness. Our team can improve a wide range of vaginal concerns with surgery or non-surgical laser treatments. FemiLift™ uses non-surgical laser energy to resurface the full circumference of the vagina, tightening vaginal tissues and improving urinary incontinence. We can also tighten the introitus, or vaginal entrance, using Geneveve™. The vaginal opening often loosens following childbirth and aging. With this new treatment at Aguirre Specialty Care, we can tighten the introitus and help to enhance sexual satisfaction for both partners.
For every possible uro-gynecological need, we’ve got you covered at Aguirre Specialty Care. Call us at 303.322.0500 for a consultation or click here.