If you indulged a bit too much over the holidays, kudos! You probably had a blast! Now that we’re well into January, though, it’s time to revisit healthier habits. Is 2020 your year to slim down or inject more joy into your life? You’re in luck because Aguirre Specialty Care has the tools to help you reach your goals!

Here’s a look at common New Year’s resolutions and possible treatments:
Resolution #1: Reducing fat bulges
Pinchable pockets of fat are impossible to tame with diet and exercise alone. That’s why Aguirre Specialty Care offers several body contouring options, including CoolSculpting® non-invasive fat reduction, SmartLipo™ laser liposuction, and VASER® liposuction with ultrasound technology. Depending on your goals and downtime preferences, Dr. Aguirre can help you choose the ideal treatment for you. For example, if you are hoping to avoid surgery and don’t mind gradual, subtle fat reduction, CoolSculpting is a great tool. If you are hoping to achieve more dramatic fat reduction and immediate benefits, liposuction is probably a better option for you.
Resolution #2: Having a more fulfilling sex life
So many women silently suffer from a low libido or unfulfilling sex life with their partner. While the causes can be complicated, that doesn’t mean the solutions are! Aguirre Specialty Care is devoted entirely to you and restoring your urogynecological health. Dr. Oscar A. Aguirre offers ground-breaking technologies for enhancing your sexual satisfaction while also improving health concerns like urinary incontinence or pain during sex. Best of all, most of the treatments involve little to no downtime! During your personal consultation, Dr. Aguirre will carefully review all your symptoms and reassure you that you are not alone. Together, with the help of his dedicated team, Dr. Aguirre will devise the ideal treatment plan to meet your needs. Treatments for enhancing sexual satisfaction include The O-Shot®, The Viveve™ Treatment, FemiLift™, LEO® (laser-enhanced O-Shot) and more.
Resolution #3: Feeling more confident
What gets in the way of your confidence? Do you dream about being able to exercise without leaking urine? Do you think you would look more attractive with larger breasts or a trimmer belly? The New Year is a perfect time to discover your unique path to a more confident you! Is The Real Mommy Makeover™ in your cards for 2020? What about a Vampire Breast Lift, an all-natural treatment with no downtime that uses your own blood to enhance your bustline? Is bladder leakage or fecal incontinence holding you back from living your fullest life? Aguirre Specialty Care can help! We recently expanded our menu with a ground-breaking new implant device for urinary and fecal incontinence called Axonics Therapy®!
No matter what your needs are, we are here to help you. And we truly can’t wait! Your first step is calling us at 303.322.0500 or requesting a consultation online today.