Happy New Year! What’s on your resolution list this year? Is it improving your sex life, rejuvenating your body and finding peace of mind?

It is?
Seriously, though, we think ALL these things should be on your To Do list this year because you are worth it! We know how easy it is to put your personal life on the back burner while you work hard meeting the needs of others. We get it because we are just like you! But we also know that self-care is more important than ever these days. Every day at Aguirre Specialty Care, we get to witness first-hand the joy and peace we see on our patients’ faces after they’ve undergone a treatment with us. They’ve taken the time to pursue their health and wellness goals, and that kind of self-care is priceless. We want that joy and peace for you, too!
To help boost you in the right direction toward self-care, here are a few incentives:
1. We are having a Sexual Wellness Sale again!
This sale is so popular, we are bringing it back for the new year! The very fact that it’s popular should indicate to you that sexual wellness is a concern for many of us. If you’ve been feeling shy or fearful about coming in to see us, please know that you are in good company. Most people experience some form of sexual dysfunction or an intimate concern at some point in their lives. Also, it’s worth noting that our team is highly trained and sensitive to your needs. There is no concern too big or small at Aguirre Specialty Care. We’ve seen it all and helped thousands of amazing women just like you to reclaim their confidence and comfort. We will work hard to put you at ease and make sure you know that you are normal and help is at hand!
Here are the details of our Sexual Wellness Special:
Boost Your Sexual Wellness
$150 OFF O-Shot® or P-Shot®
Enhance sensation, lubrication and so much more.
Vaginal Rejuvenation
Combination of FemiLift™ series and Viveve®
Boost sensation, enhance friction during sex, treat urinary incontinence and more.
2. Did we mention that we’re having a Sexual Wellness Sale?
We can’t wait to help you live your fullest life! Get a jumpstart on self-care, joy and vitality by calling us today at 303-322-0500 or requesting a consultation online.