Understanding PTNS: An Overactive Bladder Treatment Option Available at Aguirre Specialty Care

Posted: January 3, 2023

Denver, CO

Is your overactive bladder (OAB) hindering your quality of life? Are you tired of calling your bathroom your second home? If so, you may be a candidate for a non-surgical OAB treatment option called percutaneous tibial nerve stimulation (PTNS).

With a series of treatments, FDA-approved PTNS for overactive bladder can help improve urinary urgency, urinary frequency and urgency incontinence. PTNS is a simple treatment that uses a slim needle, like an acupuncture needle, to stimulate the tibial nerve in the ankle and help control OAB symptoms. In clinical studies, PTNS has shown success rates between 50% and 80%.

Here’s a look at the most common questions we hear about this life-enhancing treatment:

How does PTNS treatment work?

When you arrive for your simple 30-minute PTNS treatment, we will first insert a small needle electrode into the tibial nerve near your ankle. We will then connect the needle electrode to a battery-powered stimulator (Urgent PC Neuromodulation System). Once the tibial nerve in your ankle is stimulated, it sends impulses to the spine to block signals from the bladder and prevent bladder spasms.

Is PTNS a painful treatment?

PTNS is a non-invasive treatment that may feel like a pulsing, tingling or vibrating sensation in the foot. These sensations are well-tolerated and may even feel relaxing.

How many PTNS treatments do I need?

For your best results, we recommend undergoing a series of 12 weekly treatments followed by monthly treatments to maintain your improvements.

When will I see results from my PTNS treatments?

You should start noticing improvements in your bladder control within five to seven weeks after starting your series of 12 weekly treatments.

Am I a good candidate for PTNS?

As an extremely safe and low-risk treatment, PTNS is suitable for many women and men with overactive bladder. However, PTNS is not suitable for people who have an implantable defibrillator, have tibial nerve damage, are prone to excessive bleeding, are pregnant or planning to become pregnant during treatment or have a pacemaker.

How can I get started with PTNS at Aguirre Specialty Care?

We can’t wait to help you regain control over your bladder! Call 303-322-0500 or request a consultation online today to get started.