Vaginal Rejuvenation Is Not a Fad Denver, CO

Posted: December 21, 2017

We offer leading treatments for every possible urogynecologic need.Despite all evidence to the contrary, some people (including many doctors) still aren’t convinced that there’s a legitimate need for vaginal rejuvenation treatments. The fact is, women face numerous urogynecological issues in their lifetime as a result of childbirth and aging. They have real concerns that can result in discomfort and impair their quality of life.

If you’re struggling with a concern and your doctor is dismissing you, don’t give up! We’ve made it our mission to help women feel comfortable in their bodies. We offer leading treatments for every possible urogynecologic need so that you can experience optimal health and satisfaction.

Getting the help you need is easier than you think! Did you know that many common concerns, such as vaginal looseness, urinary incontinence, and lack of sexual arousal, can be treated simultaneously? A perfect example is the LEO®, or Laser-Enhanced O-Shot®. The LEO refers to the effective treatment combination of FemiLift™ non-surgical vaginal tightening and the O-Shot®, an injection of platelet-rich plasma into the clitoris. Here’s the lowdown on the LEO.

Without surgery or downtime, FemiLift can tighten the vagina and also strengthen the supporting ligaments surrounding the bladder and urethra to improve symptoms of stress urinary incontinence (like what might happen when you sneeze, cough, or laugh). With stimulating laser energy, FemiLift targets the full circumference of the vagina, triggering the body’s natural healing response and spurring new collagen and tissue growth, thereby tightening the vagina. Adding the O-Shot to FemiLift can help to enhance the rejuvenating benefits of each treatment, resulting in improved sensation and optimal patient satisfaction in one convenient treatment.

You deserve the best care. To learn more about our non-surgical vaginal rejuvenation treatments, call 303.322.0500 or click here to schedule a consultation today.