Is 2019 the Year of Vaginal Rejuvenation? Denver, CO

Posted: January 10, 2019

Vaginal rejuvenation is a general term used to describe a wide range of treatments for improving a woman’s intimate health and vitality. Vaginal rejuvenation is a general term used to describe a wide range of treatments for improving a woman’s intimate health and vitality. A leader in urogynecologic surgery and laser treatments, I’ve worked diligently to provide a comprehensive menu of the most effective vaginal rejuvenation treatments with minimal downtime.
Here’s a look at some of your most common questions to help you better understand how vaginal rejuvenation may benefit you.

Which types of vaginal rejuvenation treatments do you offer, and what’s the difference?
At Aguirre Specialty Care, I proudly offer The O-Shot®, FemiLift™, The Viveve Treatment®, Pellevé® labia tightening, and laser vaginal rejuvenation (LVR®).
The O-Shot involves injecting platelet-rich plasma (PRP), a concentrated portion of your own blood, into your clitoris and anterior vaginal wall to enhance sexual sensation and improve urinary stress incontinence.
FemiLift is a laser that exfoliates the full circumference of the vaginal wall to stimulate new tissue growth and enhance blood flow for vaginal tightening, enhanced sexual satisfaction, and improved urinary stress incontinence.
The Viveve treatment is a non-invasive radiofrequency treatment that helps to tighten the vaginal entrance, resulting in introital tightening, enhanced sexual satisfaction and improved urinary stress incontinence.
Pellevé labia tightening helps to tighten and decrease the size of labial skin with non-invasive radiofrequency energy.

Does vaginal rejuvenation hurt?
Every type of vaginal rejuvenation treatment I perform is well tolerated, and in many cases, quite comfortable for patients. I will take every precaution to ensure your treatment is as comfortable as possible, including applying numbing cream and other pain medication as needed.

Is there a lot of downtime?
Most of my vaginal rejuvenation treatments are non-surgical, making recovery a relatively quick and simple process. There’s little to no downtime with the O-Shot, The Viveve Treatment, Pellevé, and even FemiLift. You will need to abstain from sexual intercourse for specified period of time, depending on your treatment.

How do I know which treatment I need?
I offer years of experience with vaginal rejuvenation and will help you understand your best options after a careful consultation. No two women are alike, which is why every patient receives a treatment plan that is tailored to her exact needs. One patient may need a combination treatment of FemiLift and the O-Shot, called the LEO®, whereas another may benefit from The Viveve. Some patients may opt for surgical procedures, such as labiaplasty.

Do the benefits last?
A quick review of patient reviews/testimonials will assure you that my treatments work! With non-invasive treatments, maintenance treatments are necessary to extend the duration of your benefits. You may also need to undergo a series of treatments for your best results. I can help you formulate the ideal plan to meet your needs.

My staff and I can’t wait to help you discover your optimal treatment plan! To learn more about vaginal rejuvenation, please call 303.322.0500 or schedule a consultation with us today.