CoolSculpting® FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions About CoolSculpting in Denver, CO at Aguirre Specialty Care

How does CoolSculpting work? 

CoolSculpting freezes stubborn fat cells deep beneath the skin without harming the skin itself. In the weeks and months following treatment, those frozen fat cells are flushed naturally from the body, leaving behind slimmer contours.

What does CoolSculpting in Denver feel like?

Many patients report feeling pressure and intense cold for the first few minutes. However, once the skin numbs, they often relax—reading, napping, or working for the remainder of the treatment.

How long does treatment take?

Typically, treatment of one area can take about 35 minutes. Depending on the size, number, and location of the areas being treated, treatment time can vary from one to several hours.

When can I return to work and my daily activities?

One of the best things about CoolSculpting is that there is no downtime. You can resume your normal activities immediately following treatment.

How long will I have to wait to see results? How long will they last?

Results can begin to appear in the first few weeks following treatment. As the body continues to expel the treated fat cells, your contours will continue to slim at a natural pace. Optimal results can be seen between four and six months following treatment, and can be long-lasting for patients who maintain a healthy lifestyle.

I’m ready to slim down! How do I get started with CoolSculpting?

Because each patient is unique, Dr. Oscar A. Aguirre and the Aguirre Specialty Care team begin with a consultation for each patient. You can schedule your appointment by calling our office at 303.322.0500. We look forward to hearing from you!