Introducing The P-Shot® at Aguirre Specialty Care in Englewood, CO

Posted: June 5, 2015

Aguirre Specialty Care is excited to offer the Priapus Shot, also known as the P-Shot, to their male patients. Do you feel unsatisfied with your intimate life or with the appearance of your penis? Dr. Oscar A. Aguirre is fully trained in administering the safe and effective P-Shot to help men who feel unhappy with the size and shape of their penis or their intimate performance.

The P-Shot in the Denver area injects Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP), taken from the patient’s own blood, into the penis to improve circulation within the penis and increase its size and girth. The P-Shot at Aguirre Specialty Care can also increase sensation and pleasure while improving strength. Since PRP is a natural substance, there are no serious side effects. Little pain, if any, is experienced during the treatment due to numbing cream that is applied prior to the injections.

The P-Shot can help reclaim your intimate life in as little as one treatment. An Englewood P-Shot can improve the penis both functionally and aesthetically, helping you to regain a satisfying sex life and to help you feel your most confident during intimacy.

Reclaim your confidence! Contact Aguirre Specialty Care at 303.322.0500 to schedule your P-Shot consultation.